Seleni Spotlight: Sara Laufer, Finance Director

June 2020 - Sara Laufer is a licensed CPA with extensive experience in both public and private accounting. She has been part of Seleni since we opened our doors in 2013 and works closely within the organization to maintain accurate financials, manage budgets and fiscal goals, and oversee the operations of our organization.

Tell us a bit about yourself.

First and foremost, I’m a mother to an 8 and 6-year-old!  I live with my husband and children in Weehawken, NJ, which is this quiet tucked away town on the Hudson River across from NYC.  I have lived in the NYC area since I graduated college 19 years ago and during that time I’ve had a few different pieces of my career. I’m a licensed CPA (Certified Public Accountant) and started my career in public accounting, then moved into finance at a large Fortune 500 firm. I’ve started my own CPA/Tax business, and also I’ve worked as the Finance Director at Seleni for the past 7 years.  I’m a numbers girl at heart, but I love being a part of an organization that truly helps and inspires others. 

What excites you most about being part of the Seleni family?

I have been a part of Seleni since we opened the doors in April 2013, and I have absolutely loved watching Seleni develop, change and morph over the years.  I love what Seleni has become, I love what Seleni is. It warms my heart to be part of an organization that has made such an impact on thousands of families.  I also was pregnant with my second child while I was working at Seleni, and it was very special to be a part of Seleni during that time.  As a 41-year-old woman, I have personally experienced and have had many friends experience all different areas that Seleni works on – it’s wonderful to work for a mission that pulls at your heart strings. 

How do you practice self-care?

There is not much time for self-care, especially these days with quarantine, working from home and home-schooling my two young school-age children!  However, what I have realized that I need during this time is a 1-hour daily break in the middle of the day where I go for a walk by myself.  I may listen to a podcast, audiobook, play loud music or talk on the phone to my sister, mom or friend – I just need this break in the middle of the crazy day to be myself!  I really miss my alone time during this pandemic.

What is your favorite thing to do to wind down the day?

After work is done, kids are asleep, I absolutely love to just crawl into bed and watch an uplifting show on TV. I won’t tell you what time this usually happens (hint, it’s very late!)

For more information about Sara Laufer, Finance Director, learn more here.
