Seleni Spotlight: Sofia Besi

April 2021 - Sofia Besi joined the Seleni team as a intern in February 2021. She is twenty-one years old and from Athens, Greece. She is currently in her last year of college, studying Social and Educational Policy with a minor in Communication. Travelling is her passion, her favorite season is summer, and her ideal day is somewhere at a beach with her favorite people around her, enjoying the feeling of the sun on her skin.

What excites you most about being part of the Seleni family?

I wanted to work at Seleni because I loved how they are trying to raise awareness and destigmatize maternal mental health issues. The thought of being a part of that was extremely intriguing and exciting. Now, having worked there for two months I realize that it is also the people and how passionate they are about what they are doing that makes the Seleni family unique.

How do you practice self-care?

When the "To Do List" becomes longer, and the responsibilities increase it is hard to prioritize self-care and I am definitely guilty of that. What is important to me is that every day I take a little bit of time for myself to do something I love. This can be exercising, cooking a meal, watching a movie, or even just doing a face mask before sleep. It makes me feel better and prepares me for the next day! 

What is the best advise you have ever received?

It might be a cliché but be more flexible and get out of your comfort zone. I used to be the kind of person that would plan everything, and I can safely say that it is when you start being more spontaneous and start saying yes to new opportunities that you make the most memorable experiences!

What quote inspires you?

“Be yourself; everyone else is already taken.”

― Oscar Wilde

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