Seleni Spotlight: Nicole Pagán

July 2022 - Seleni welcomed Nicole Pagán to the team this summer. We are thrilled to have her as part of our Seleni family these next few months!

Tell us about yourself.
My name is Nicole Pagán and I am from Panama City, Panama. I am 20 years old and I’m currently a junior at The Technological University of Panama majoring in Marketing and International Business.
While in university, I’ve learned a lot of theory in subjects like corporate communication, international economics, corporate governance, and now I want some hands-on work experience. My work experience so far resumes in working as an administrative assistant at Grass Plus and Dirtglue Enterprises Panama which is a company that specializes in the import and export of environmentally friendly products. There, I was provided with the opportunity to learn about the management of sustainable companies through economically-sound processes that minimize negative environmental impacts while conserving energy and natural resources, and the increase of operational efficiency by reducing costs and waste. Besides this I’ve had a lot of exposure to the business environment since a lot of my courses involved working with real companies to solve real problems. Now, I’m looking to leverage everything I’ve learned in university and past work experiences and apply my knowledge into practice.
In the near future, I plan to pursue a Master’s degree in Business Analytics & International Merchandise.

What excites you most about being part of the Seleni family?
Throughout my life I have seen how crucial it is to prioritize the mental and reproductive health of people, especially women. Seleni's mission fits perfectly with these pro-wellness ideals regarding comprehensive mental and reproductive health that I so much believe in. Working with Seleni fulfills a lifelong dream of mine to work supporting the right mental health mission by helping raise awareness, addressing stigma, and facilitating treatment and recovery for a variety of mental health issues while focusing on how to navigate this journey during the family-building years.

How do you practice self-care?
How to practice self-care is different for each person and can be different from day to day. An act of self-care for one person could actually be triggering for someone else. The important part is to find a balance of activities that work for you. To me, self-care looks like a lot of things. Looks like taking breaks from my computer, phone, or social media, avoiding triggers/people or situations that set me off when I am in a vulnerable state, keeping a consistent sleep schedule, or even small steps such as taking a hot bath, doing my skin care, putting on clean and comfortable clothing, listening to music or going for a short walk. On weeks were I’m feeling a bit overwhelmed, taking some time for myself to unwind, destress, and recharge my energy, it's what helps me stay focused and on track with my goals.

What is the best piece of advice you have ever received?
“Never forget to stop and appreciate how far you've come.” When I was younger, I had a lot of self-doubt. I thought that I was not achieving enough, that I was not doing, working or studying enough, but one day my dad told me: If you look at the past, you will be able to see how far you have come all by yourself and if you look at the future, you will see all the way you have left to go and the life you still have to live. Doing this, you will realize that each of us has a different path and time. It's not about who has more accomplishments at a certain age, it's about walking the path of life at your own pace without losing your true purpose/dream or forgetting your starting point. “You’ve worked hard” he said. “It is okay to applaud yourself from time to time for everything you've accomplished.”

What’s a quote that you carry with you to uplift yourself?
“A positive mindset brings positive things.” I am a firm believer that you attract exactly the same energy that you put out into the world. I believe that maintaining a positive mindset in times of adversity and being grateful for all the things that happen to you, for all the people you meet, and for all the situations that come your way is what eventually leads you to attract light into your life.