Seleni Spotlight: Elisavet Rozaki

June 2022 - Seleni welcomed Elisavet Rozaki to the team this summer. We are thrilled to have her as part of our Seleni family these next few months!

Tell us about yourself.
My name is Elisavet and I was born and raised in the beautiful capital of Greece, Athens. I just graduated from DEREE - The American College of Greece with a Bachelor's in communication, and this September I plan to pursue a research Master's in "New Media and Digital Culture" in the Netherlands.

What excites you most about being part of the Seleni family?
Seleni's mission aligns perfectly with my personal values. Women's issues are a topic which I think about every single day and it warms my heart to see an organization that works so hard to support women's first steps in motherhood. In the future, I see myself working in the societal side of communications and I cannot think of a better environment than Seleni to make the first step!

How do you practice self-care?
As an introvert, self-care is an important aspect of my life. In my view, self-care includes a not-so-beautiful side, the side where we must make uncomfortable decisions for our benefit. I practice self-care when I dedicate time to unwind and relax but also when I place boundaries or when I allow myself to truly feel negative emotions and work to overcome them.
I love this quote by Brianna West: "True self-care is not salt baths and chocolate cake, it is making the choice to build a life you don't need to regularly escape from."

What is the best piece of advice you have ever received?
Treat people with kindness, always. Because you never know what someone is going through.

What’s a quote that you carry with you to uplift yourself?
“Poised midway between the unvisualizable cosmic vastness of curved spacetime and the dubious, shadowy flickerings of charged quanta, we human beings, more like rainbows and mirages than like raindrops or boulders, are unpredictable self-writing poems — vague, metaphorical, ambiguous, and sometimes exceedingly beautiful.”
-- Douglas Hofstadter's I Am a Strange Loop.