November Newsletter: Grief During the Holidays, Seleni Updates, and More

Welcome to November!

As the festive season begins, we're excited to connect with loved ones and enjoy special activities, but we are also reminded that it can be a difficult time to work through grief, loss, or anxiety. 

It is important to slow down, connect with your needs, and make space to process complex emotions that may arise during the holiday season. Some helpful questions to ask yourself may be:

  • Is this tradition draining or energizing?

  • What parts of my to-do list are self-imposed?

  • How am I making time and space for myself today?

  • How can I ask for help today?

  • What does this holiday mean to me personally?

  • What would help me be more present today/this week/this month?

For helpful resources to cope with holiday stress, top maternal mental health news, and exciting updates from the Seleni Institute, check out our November newsletter, and if you’re not subscribed, sign up today!